El tres veces campeón de los Games, Mat Fraser, ya se aseguró su lugar en los Juegos de este año en diciembre, cuando ganó el Campeonato CrossFit de Dubai, y aunque muchos se sorprendieron al terminar en el puesto 59 en 19.1, ha callado boquitas a los críticos con sus excelentes resultados posteriores. Terminó tercero en 19.2 y 19.3 y actualmente se encuentra en la quinta posición mundial en 19.4, terminando el entrenamiento en 8 minutos y 8 segundos.

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@CrossFitbtwb: Last week we looked at how the top 10 largest countries in the Open compared on 19.3. This week we’re going to look at country performance a little differently. For our first graphic, we are looking at performance by country based on what it took to reach the 99th percentile on 19.4 in that country. In order to keep the numbers statistically relevant, we limited the analysis to only countries with more than 1,000 Open participants overall. This turned out to include 24 different countries. We separated the numbers by gender in the individual divisions (18-34, both Rx’d and scaled). By looking at percentiles, we can compare countries with vastly different numbers of competitors and get a relative performance metric. This requires countries with more participants to have proportionally more high-performing athletes in order to place higher in the rankings. Based on this analysis, the top three countries for men in 19.4 were Russia, New Zealand, and Mexico, respectively. The top three countries for women were Iceland, New Zealand, and Belgium, respectively. The table above shows the rest of the countries in the top 10 spots. Read the full article at Games.CrossFit.com. #CrossFitGames #19point4

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